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Healing or Not?


Healing or Not?

Life hasn't been peaceful for all of us. And for some, it has been a nightmare. Opening your eyes every morning and not wanting to get out of bed. Knowing you may feel up-to-the-minute trouble knocking on your door when you still haven’t got over the ancient ones.

It hurts. It’s devastating. You may sometimes feel like giving up. But wait, you've come a long way. It’s extremely late to give up now. Hence, take your time and get out of bed.

Healing will take time. It may cause the wounds to reopen again. But have you not been hurt already? Allow it to hurt again to breathe anew. Give yourself another chance. This time the sun will shine by your side.

We are humans and we cannot deny the fact that humans are made up of emotions. Happy, sad, anger, disgust, etc. are all emotions which make us feel alive.

But, for some of us, pain is the only emotion through which we know that we are still breathing. So, feel the pain and accept it. It will be the first step you’ll take towards healing, leading you to feel other emotions and experience life.

Healing isn’t easy. So, take your time and run. Run until you feel strong again. Once you are done with your running, once you are strong, once you return then there’s no going back.

Sit with it. Fight with it. No matter what, deal with it. It will hurt. Let’s accept, it will burn you with pain. You may feel devastated but don’t let yourself feel weak again.

Row, Row, Row your boat! Row until you reach the end of this ocean. Don’t surrender yourself to the storm. This time you’ll sail through it. You’ll feel lively again. You’ll meet a new and stronger version of yourself.

One day, you may feel happy that you are over it and all of a sudden it will hit you again. The wounds will be left cut open. Don’t give up. Look at yourself in the mirror.

You may look miserable and trust me it will be one of the toughest things you’ll be doing. It’s not easy to look at yourself when you feel downhearted and broken. It’s going to be awful.

Ask yourself, is it hurting more than it used to do earlier? Are you feeling a bit better than before?

Tell yourself to keep going because you are the only one who will pick you up when you fall on this path of healing. Tell yourself it’s going to be better. You’ll get well soon. 

You will feel broken. You must find the magic glair to assemble the pieces. Don’t look for magic outside yourself. You’ll find it in your soul.

This will not mean you were never damaged. The cracks will stay with you throughout your life. They may even show up now and then. But, this will help you in taking control of your life into your own hands.

Running isn’t healing.

Forgetting isn’t healing.

Forgiving isn’t healing.

Smiling isn’t healing.

Then, what is healing?

Healing is returning after a long run to fight again.

Healing is remembering the weapon which caused you to bleed but not letting it injure you again.

Healing is not just forgiving others but it is forgiving yourself first, for not keeping you at priority.

Healing isn’t just a smiling face.

Healing is when you cry and have the bravery to own your tears.

Fighting back is healing.

Accepting is healing.

Confronting is healing.

Letting go is healing!


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