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Showing posts from May, 2021

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Healing or Not?

  Healing or Not? Life hasn't been peaceful for all of us. And for some, it has been a nightmare. Opening your eyes every morning and not wanting to get out of bed. Knowing you may feel up-to-the-minute trouble knocking on your door when you still haven’t got over the ancient ones. It hurts. It’s devastating. You may sometimes feel like giving up. But wait, you've come a long way. It’s extremely late to give up now. Hence, take your time and get out of bed. Healing will take time. It may cause the wounds to reopen again. But have you not been hurt already? Allow it to hurt again to breathe anew. Give yourself another chance. This time the sun will shine by your side. We are humans and we cannot deny the fact that humans are made up of emotions. Happy, sad, anger, disgust, etc. are all emotions which make us feel alive. But, for some of us, pain is the only emotion through which we know that we are still breathing. So, feel the pain and accept it. It will be the first step you’l...